How to select a sunscreen that works for you

Your midday skin care regimen must include sunscreen. Applying the correct sunscreen to shield your skin from the sun’s damaging rays is essential whether you’re spending a day outside or on a beach vacation. Then, how do you pick sunscreen? What should you keep an eye out for while purchasing one? We’ll help in your investigation.

Continuous UV radiation exposure makes your skin more prone to a number of problems. It could result in sunburn, wrinkles, skin damage, or even skin cancer. It is best to protect the body with sunscreen because we cannot avoid being outside.

This post is for you if you don’t know how to pick the best sunscreen. The best instructions for choosing sunscreen are given in this article. Read on.

Why should you wear sunscreen?

It is essential to wear sunscreen since it is one of the best methods to protect your skin from damaging UV radiation, regardless of the weather prediction.

Skin cancer and skin damage are both brought on by UV radiation from the sun. The vast majority of skin cancers, which can be substantially more deadly, and around 90% of non – melanoma skin cancers are linked to UV radiation exposure.

UV exposure can cause premature skin aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and discolouration. In actuality, UV radiation is thought to be the root cause of 80% of apparent skin aging.

The health of your skin depends on you practicing sun safety. This entails minimizing your exposure to the sun as much as you can, dressing in UV-safe clothes, using caps and sunglasses, and, of course, applying sunscreen.

How Sunscreen Works?

In order to block and absorb UV radiation, sunscreen generally uses a variety of physical and chemical particles.

While physical components like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide assist in the skin’s ability to deflect UV radiation, the sunscreen’s chemical components interact with the radiation before it can get through the skin. Additionally, they take in solar energy and emit it as heat.

As previously mentioned, picking the right sunscreen can significantly impact your skin care routine. The next section includes a list of the things to think about while selecting the best sunscreen for you.

How to select sunscreen?

When selecting a sunscreen, it is critical to examine any sensitivities you may have to certain compounds, as well as the sunscreen’s safety and potential toxicity. You should also make sure that the sunscreen’s chemicals do not interfere with your hormone balance.

1. Consider SPF Levels

The SPF of a sunscreen is basically a measure about how much UVB radiation it can block out. Applying sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 can help protect you from the UV radiation you are exposed to on a daily basis.

Most physicians, however, recommend applying an SPF of at least 30 since it prevents around 97 percent of UVB radiation. Every day, apply adequate sunscreen to various exposed areas of your skin.

2. Look for Active Ingredients

Examine the active chemicals in the sunscreen. Look for formulations which incorporate titanium dioxide, zinc oxide. Avoid using sunscreens containing vitamin A. Skin cancers are known to be more common when vitamin A.

3. See it is water Resistance

Choose a water-resistant sunscreen, especially if you plan to swim or start sweating. You need to reapply sunscreen once water resistance has worn off, which usually lasts 40 to 80 minutes.

4. Pick Broad Spectrum

Choose a sunscreen with SPF 30 to 50 and broad-spectrum protection. Your skin is better protected from sunburn and sun damage thanks to it. Additionally, it works better to block UVA rays. Avoid using products with an extremely high SPF (over 50). It’s a common misconception that such items don’t provide any additional protection and are also pricey.

5. Formulation type

The term “sunscreen formulation” often refers to the method of application of a sunscreen, which has an impact on how it feels and appears on a person’s skin. On the market, there are four typical sunscreen formulas. Although each of these varieties has advantages of its own, when worn properly, they may all provide sun protection.

  1. Sprays: These are ideal for wearing sunscreen to the body’s most difficult-to-reach areas. For somebody with a lot of body hair, they are a fantastic alternative. Be careful not to breathe in the spray when you apply it, though.
  2. Lotions: These are some of the moisturizing sunscreen formulas that are most often used. To accommodate different skin types, they come in a variety of variations.
  3. Sticks: Those are one of the most convenient and least messy solutions. You may apply it to your skin and rub them in. They are a practical solution, especially when traveling. There is a low chance that they will leak.
  4. Sundrops: In the world of cosmetics, sundrops are causing quite a stir. All skin types may use the moisturizing ingredients-rich nourishing solutions with confidence, and the serum-like consistency provides greater protection without the typical gritty or white cast.

6. Level of Exposure

Your degree of sun exposure is another crucial aspect to consider while selecting sunscreen. Consider the length of time you will be exposed to the sun, its intensity, and the activities you will be engaging in while exposed to the sun.

7. Skin type matters

Choose a sunscreen with moisturizing components like hyaluronic acid or glycerin if you have dry skin. You can probably use any sunscreen you choose if you have regular skin.

Look for sunscreens that are branded oil-free or non-comedogenic, which means they won’t clog pores or cause breakouts, if you have oily or mixed skin. Typically, those with oily skin would choose a matte-finish sunscreen that is lightweight, quick to absorb, and can help to absorb any extra moisture without leaving the skin looking glossy or greasy.

Physical sunscreens, often called mineral blockers, that include zinc oxide or titanium dioxide are recommended for those with sensitive skin since they are typically less abrasive than chemical screens. Products containing scent or other ingredients that could be harsh or irritant on the skin should also be avoided by those with sensitive skin.