If you are not exfoliating your skin, then you are losing out on a fresh glowing complexion. So stop waiting for the delivery of a skin exfoliating product that you bought online, and instead start the search for a perfect skin exfoliant at home. As you put together an exfoliant at home, you will soon discover the best ingredients for it is in your kitchen.
Common cooking ingredients such as sugar, oats, and sea salt are all great for mechanically exfoliating the skin and included in several formulations. Using DIY body exfoliants with these ingredients, you can kick start the revitalization of your skin at home, and then head to the beauty salon for more complex treatments. Continue reading if you want to learn more about the top five DIY exfoliants you can make at home in 2023. We also have tips on how to use these natural scrubs to get smooth and glowing skin.
The Benefits of Using Natural Body Exfoliants
Before you jump into the process of creating a body exfoliant that your skin loves, here is what you should know. Microbeads made from plastic are used in many skin exfoliators, and these are usually non-biodegradable and harmful to the environment. Natural skin exfoliators do not contain microbeads, and so in addition to being good for your skin, they are environmentally friendly. Another major benefit of using a natural exfoliator for your skin is that they create fewer allergic reactions. In the event, you are creating a DIY exfoliator you can even choose which mechanical exfoliating agent is included, whether it be sea salt, coffee grounds, white/brown sugar, or Jojoba beads.
1. The ocean-inspired scrub
The ocean while being the source of your sushi lunch can also become the inspiration behind your body scrub if you use sea salt. Including sea salt in an exfoliating formula is extremely beneficial as it not only helps clean the skin but also promotes healing. There is however one cautionary note you need be aware of when including sea salt as a mechanical exfoliating ingredient; that it is extremely abrasive and is generally not used on the face. So if you have delicate skin, either buy fine grain sea salt or opt to use sugar when creating a DIY exfoliator for your face. You can safely go ahead and use sea salt in a body scrub especially when you want to exfoliate areas with tough skin. When using sea salt as an exfoliator, add jojoba, almond, or coconut oil to the formula as it will deliver moisturization to your skin.
2. The sugar and spice scrub that is all things nice
Often regarded as superior to salt and one of the best natural exfoliants, sugar is present in most kitchens. Sugar is therefore the main ingredient in many DIY body exfoliants. With sugar always available you can even create a sugar-based body exfoliant according to the season. You can use a combination of brown sugar and pumpkin spice to create a scrub that is ideal for the fall. During the spring/summer you can combine sugar with blueberries or roses, vanilla, and coconut oil to create a scrub that will leave your skin looking and smelling good. As sugar has a finer grain compared to salt, experts recommend that scrubs created with it are ideal for use on the face and also the lips.
3. Healthy green tea for your skin
Drinking green tea is good for your digestion and body while an exfoliant created with it gives you revitalized and glowing skin. When creating this scrub you can use green tea available in tea bags and combine it with matcha tea powder. Other ingredients for this scrub include white sugar, olive oil, honey, and lavender oil. Since matcha tea is one of the main ingredients the resultant scrub has an attractive green shade, while the sugar ensures that the skin’s dead cells are removed efficiently.
4. Oh so sweet honey scrub
Honey cuts bacteria on the skin and helps reduce acne and pimples while also acting as an exfoliator and removing dead cells. With honey also being widely available it is easy to include as the main ingredient in DIY scrubs. In such scrubs, honey can be combined with sugar to create an exfoliator that is ideal for sensitive skin. Honey is also extremely versatile and can be combined with a variety of mechanical exfoliating ingredients such as sea salt, rice powder, and oats. Honey when included in an exfoliator also helps to boost the production of collagen and ensures the skin remains supple. Fruits such as mango which is rich in vitamin A and orange can also be combined with honey. Combining coffee grounds with honey, and essential oil such as vanilla creates a richly scented scrub that is perfect for the adventurous.
5. Flaxseed scrub for sensitive skin
If you are already using flax seeds as part of vegan-friendly recipes, then you probably have it ground and ready to go. When included in a DIY exfoliant, flax seeds that are rich in omega-3/6 fatty acid gently remove dead cells without causing any redness. A flax seed-based scrub is therefore ideal when you have sensitive skin. Flaxseed meal combines well with brown or white sugar and you can add almond or another essential oil to the mix.